If you are a new Volunteer and are interested in applying for a Volunteer Position with the Edgewood ISD, please follow the simple steps below. Our online application "wizard" will walk you through the process step-by-step. A navigation bar will be displayed along the left side of all screens and will keep you informed of your progress.
Education Code 22.053. SCHOOL DISTRICT VOLUNTEERS. (a) A volunteer who is serving as a direct service volunteer of a school district is immune from civil liability to the same extent as a professional employee of a school district under Section 22.0511. (b) In this section, "volunteer" means a person providing services for or on behalf of a school district, on the premises of the district or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property, who does not receive compensation in excess of reimbursement for expenses. (c) This section does not limit the liability of a person for intentional misconduct or gross negligence. ALL VOLUNTEERS/CONTRACTORS MUST REAPPLY AFTER JULY 1 OF EACH YEAR TO BE CONSIDERED FOR VOLUNTEER/CONTRACTOR OPPORTUNITIES.
Returning Volunteer/Contractor, please sign-in.
New Volunteer/Contractor, please register.
Current or Former Employee, please click here. For current OR former employee of the district wanting to volunteer at a campus event.
If you have further questions or comments, please contact us at 210-898-2020 for volunteers. For contractors/vendors, call 210-898-2000 x7038 or backgroundchecks@eisd.net.
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